I will write detailed feedback on your screenplay
Writing is RE-WRITING.
Getting valuable notes on your screenplay is imperative if you want to improve on it. Without them you won't be able to see what is working and what's not when you start a rewrite, and you HAVE to rewrite your screenplay. No one sells/options a first draft.
Many new screenwriters fail because once they finish their script, they simply don't know what to do with it. So they enter expensive contests or post it up on Amazon Studios without having anyone read it and offer notes.
I will write a detailed analysis on how to improve your screenplay. My notes will be broken down by the five main categories: story, structure, character, dialogue, and action formatting to make them easy to follow.
You can spend $100's on the many screenplay services available online, but who knows if your notes were written by some college kid, or a graduate from a reputable film school (me).
Contact me if you're interested in making your screenplay the best it can be!
Thanks for looking at my gig.
Best regards,
ed65love:Very helpful with both positive and constructive feedback. Much to think about. Many thanks!
timaucoin:Thanks for the business.
businessandfun:cancelled order. seller failed to deliver on time!
applesauceful:Honest, detailed and explorative. A huge help! Has given me a good place to start my revisions. Highly recommended! Thanks :)
timaucoin:Thumbs Up
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