Friday, November 2, 2018

I will complete a whole book provided you turn in an outline.

I will complete a whole book provided you turn in an outline.


   My gig offers a wide variety of topics that one may eventually either want or need to have written.
   Ranging from Non-Fiction to Fiction, and anything in between (except for naughty things), I can write most if not all topics. I will, however, need an outline, if not: I can make one for you (depending on your word count target, the price may vary from $10-$20
    I do enjoy fiction, but am quite open and experienced with non-fiction. I will do my own research if it is not provided.
    Keep in mind I keep a set schedule for all my work as follows.
_Daily:1000, up to 3,000 if I have multiple gigs
_Weekly 7,000 up to 21,000 if I have multiple gigs
I work two hours a day on the gigs.


viveksethi496:She is positive. I requested a number of writers to send a sample of their work. Most of them demanded fee even for sample work. She was the one who sent me sample without fuss. Firstly, this reflected her confidence, secondly I felt that she is not craving for money at all costs like others.

helpfuljesus:Outstanding Experience

joelnivens896:Wonderful Work!

helpfuljesus:Outstanding Experience!

joelnivens896:She has been great and I will continue to work with her on our upcoming projects!

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