Saturday, October 13, 2018

I will write a short horror, suspense or thriller story

I will write a short horror, suspense or thriller story


Are you looking for a thrilling story? Do you want a narrative that will leave you on the edge of your seat? You've come to the right place!

Why should you trust us to write your personal anecdote?

- We have years of experience writing short horror stories for film and video.

- You have two individuals working together to build the best story possible. Two minds = better ideas 

- We have written 100s of stories for clients outside of Fiverr. 

We won't lie, this gig is scary. No, not scary for us...we can handle it. But for you? Yea, you're going to be scared.

The stories we provide are unique; straight from our minds. Rest easy knowing that your story will be unlike any book or movie you've seen. All original and based on your topic.

Would you like it written as a screenplay? Need more or less words? Sure, we could do that. Just message us and we'll send a custom offer. 

We are here to provide you with the best story possible. Our goal is to leave you satisfied. Your deliverables will always be on time (with a good chance of being early) and the final story will be completed once we have your approval. 







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