Saturday, September 8, 2018

I will ghost write your novella or screenplay

I will ghost write your novella or screenplay


I'm a screenwriter/ghost writer with years of experience. I really enjoy helping a writer make their vision come alive.

For $5, I will analyze your outline (TV, movie, novel, short fiction) and discuss a way to break the story. If you have a concept that needs an outline, I can help with that too. The introductory Fiverr deal includes 500 words.

If you want to collaborate, I will ghost write for you. If you'd like a trial chapter it will be $20 per 1k words (aka 2 cents a word).

I've written in every genre (including romances), and I'm quick. I believe in combining art and popcorn. The audience doesn't have fun if they don't care about what's happening. While an amazing concept catches everyone's attention, story structure and character work is incredibly important.

Samples are available for novel and screenplay writing (I have a TV series and 2 indie movies in production). 


terrynoh:Good and passionate writer~

annieet:Superb! A true five stars.

cyberpunkdude:Top flight mountain level landing writer!!

cyberpunkdude:Thanks again!!

marietburrell:Excellent work. Gave me a lot of idea. thank you

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